Why Data Matters: IBM, Let's Build a Smarter Planet Jason Eagleson 2:05 11 years ago 4 486 Далее Скачать
Building a Smarter Planet talk by IBM CITRIS and the Banatao Institute 1:07:56 13 years ago 1 093 Далее Скачать
IBM: Let's Build a Smarter Planet (5c): Hong Kong & Macau - subtitled WorldBizWatch 8:30 14 years ago 343 Далее Скачать
Copy of Why Data Matters IBM, Let's Build a Smarter Planet Hagghai Kipsat 0:05 9 years ago 177 Далее Скачать
Welcome to the IBM Smarter Planet Comes to You Skills Truck ibmskillstour 4:55 13 years ago 3 917 Далее Скачать